A creative brief is the first attempt to articulate the goals of a project, define its perimeters, audience, and competition. It serves to focus your conversations with team-members, stakeholders and clients. I made this brief for my personal work, clients and students. Unlike most creative briefs you'll find online this comes pre-loaded with specific questions to help you specify details about your project.

Contents : One editable Word document

Project Tracking

I wanted something simple with little friction between my ideas and decisions so I made this tracking sheet. I use it to evaluate, prioritize and track multiple projects. The Priority column is a drop down menu with three values: 1 (this project needs to happen), 2 (it would be great if this project happened) and 3 (life will go on if this project doesn't happen). Feel free to modify this document to suit your needs: add new columns, copy and paste to extend the existing columns, etc.

Contents: One editable Excel spreadsheet


There are tons of great tools out there for tracking features within a project but I wanted something simple with little friction between my ideas and decisions so I made this tracking sheet. For smaller projects this worksheet might be all you need but for larger projects with multiple collaborators you could use this to sketch your project then migrate your features to something like Trello.  Feel free to modify this document to suit your needs.

Contents: One editable Excel spreadsheet

concept Creation

This is an idea generation tool. It doesn't try to answer all the questions about a project, its function is to make connections that produce unexpected results. It's a conversation starter and once you've output a project description you might try the exercise a second or thrid time to see how much the concept can change just by tweaking a couple variables. I've created some examples (below) to demonstrate how the carousel works. 

Contents: One editable Excel spreadsheet


When making something all you have are assumptions until you have something to react to. Prototypes help eliminate assumptions and provide clarity. And even assumptions proven wrong still offer clarity. This document is a breakdown on types of prototypes, questions you might ask yourself, rules for prototyping and more.

Contents : One PDF document


user testing 

When making something all you have are assumptions until you have something to react to. Prototypes help eliminate assumptions and provide clarity. And even assumptions proven wrong still offer clarity. This document is a breakdown on how you might approach testing your prototypes.

Contents : One PDF document