Over the past couple years I've been writing about things to help us get more from our creative pursuits. I know we're all different and not every tool works for everyone equally - we all have unique skills, levels of experience, world views, aesthetics tastes, etc. - but I hope you'll find some nugget here that's useful to you. Recently I've started creating some downloadable resources and you can get them here for free. Suspicious? Don't be. This is a no-strings arrangement. I'm not collecting your data and doing anything strange. It just feels good to give back to the community of makers who have taught me so much.
There are tools in the works for feature tracking, conducting brainstorms and more so stay tuned. If there's something specific you'd like to have, or see, you can always drop me an email. I'm not charging for any of these but if you're feeling thankful you can always make a donation (in the sidebar to the right) to support the creation of new tools. Thanks!
The Creative Brief
My version of a project brief that comes loaded with specific questions for each category (description, goals, etc). It's great for fleshing out your vision, driving conversation with your collaborators and focusing your projects. It's an editable Word file so you can customize it to your needs. Get the creative brief.
Project Tracking
The second file I'm making available is a simple Project Tracking spreadsheet. When you have multiple projects on your plate and you're trying to prioritize where to begin and identify issues related to each project this is a pretty solid tool. Will it answer all of your questions related to each project? No. But this Excel file will give you enough insight into your projects that you can prioritize and get started. And it's free.
As always, got a question? Feel free to contact me.